那就是.....── Loving Hut! (愛家)
愛家每家分店各有特色, 菜單琳瑯滿目!
有異國料理. 各式火鍋. 合菜. 碳烤. 素糕. 咖啡. 冰淇淋. 西點. 多種飲品...,
愛家不僅台灣各縣市分店很多, 世界各地也可看到愛家的身影喔!
愛家食材把關相當嚴謹, 讓出國吃素可以很放心. 很安心. 很方便. 很健康~
下面的純素料理, 只是愛家眾多好吃素食中的冰山一角~
有興趣者可上愛家網站: http://www.lovinghut.com/portal/tw/
有非常多異國料理: 韓式. 越式. 墨西哥. 泰式. 義式...... 樣樣來~
煎的. 炸的. 烤的都沒少~
純素甜品: 鬆餅. 冰淇淋. 多種口味素糕. 派..., 寫到都要流口水啦!
Loveing Hut 為2010全球純素獎第一名
It’s that time of year, the 2010 Veggie Awards are here! Here's the reader and editor picks for today's hottest vegan people, places, and products.
Pop the Champagne—the 2010 Veggie Awards are here! More than 46,000 readers voted in the world's largest survey of all things veg, and VegNews’ editors spent all year seeking out the most influential people, hottest trends, and innovative products to bring you the best of the best. Enjoy!
Reader Picks:
Favorite Restaurant: Loving Hut (Worldwide)
Favorite Bakery (storefront): Babycakes (NYC and LA)
Favorite Bakery (online): Sweet & Sara
Favorite Cookie Company: Alternative Baking Company
Favorite Chocolate: Endangered Species
Favorite Ice Cream: Turtle Mountain Purely Decadent
Favorite Non-Dairy Milk: Almond Breeze
Favorite Tofu: Trader Joe’s
Favorite Cheese: Daiya
Favorite Veg Meat Company: Amy’s Kitchen
Favorite Energy Bar: Luna Bar
Favorite Condiment: Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
Favorite Tea Company: Tazo
Favorite Vegan Tipple: Kombucha
Favorite Vegan Dog Food: Evolution Diet
Favorite Supplement: Garden of Life
Favorite Hair Care: Aveda
Favorite Makeup: Bare Escentuals
Favorite Body Care: Aveda
Favorite Shoes: Vegetarian Shoes
Favorite Cleaning Products: Seventh Generation
Favorite Vegan Storefront: MooShoes (NYC)
Favorite Online Store: Vegan Essentials
Favorite US City: New York
Favorite International City: Vancouver
Favorite Animal Sanctuary: Farm Sanctuary (NY and CA)
Favorite Celebrity: Ellen DeGeneres
Favorite Musician: Shania Twain
Favorite Athlete: Brendan Brazier
Favorite Chef: Angel Ramos (Candle 79)
Favorite Cookbook Author: Isa Chandra Moskowitz
Favorite Vegetarian We’d Love to Go Vegan: Paul McCartney
Favorite Vegan MD: Neal Barnard