時間: 4月10日 美國加州時間 中午12:00~晚上7:00 節目表演是 下午3:00-7:00
The Love Of Centuries - FREE Event
TimeSunday, April 10 · 12:00pm - 7:00pm
時間: 4月10日 星期日 加州時間 中午12:00~晚上7:00
LocationCerritos Centre For The Performing Arts, California
12700 Center Court Drive South
Cerritos, CA 90703
Created ByVEGAN PLANET, Harry Mai
More InfoSupreme Master Ching Hai Poetry Book Premiere – Glorifying Love Through Art, Music, Dance… and Life!
Join us for a memorable and enchanting Celebration with inspiring international and multi-cultural entertainment.
Emmy & Grammy Award winning artists. 44’ Domed Art Gallery with panoramic vista and nature sounds open from 12 noon. Complementary enter includes a sumptuous vegan buffet after performance.
Where: Cerritos Centre For The Performing Arts, California
12700 Center Court Drive South, Cerritos, CA 90703
When: Sunday April 10th, 2011 from 3 PM – 7 PM (PST)
時間: 4月10日 星期日 加州時間 下午3:00~晚上7:00 (表演時間)
FREE Register online at: http://www.loveofcenturies.com/ or call 1-800-928-7205
免費線上報名(訂位。座位有限) http://www.loveofcenturies.com/
Or watch LIVE broadcast on www.SupremeMasterTv.com
或是觀看現場直播 www.SupremeMasterTv.com
Please help to share this wonderful love to the world.
It's FREE international entertaining program.
FREE vegan food!