華盛頓郵報新聞:National Geographic 125th gala: James Cameron goes vegan!
“Titantic”& “Avatar”director/oceanographer James Cameron received the organization’s “Explorer of the Year” for his successful solo dive last year to the deepest point of the Pacific Ocean. Cameron, the magazine’s first Hollywood cover boy, used the occasion to share his newfound solution to saving the earth.
“I’ve had an epiphany recently,” Cameron continued. “I want to challenge all of you as people of deep conscience, people who are environment stewards of the earth and oceans…By changing what you eat, you will change the entire contract between the human species and the nature world.”
Cameron revealed he went vegan a year ago, and urged everyone at the gala to read up and do the same. “I felt like I was waking up from a long sleepwalk. I believe we are all sleepwalking off a cliff if we don’t do this.”
“Avatar” film stars and celebrities urge students to be eco heroes
獲選奧斯卡影展且頗富環保寓意的電影《阿凡達》的加拿大導演詹姆士柯麥隆在加州洛杉磯發起「阿凡達家樹倡議」,期望二O一O年在世界各國種植一百萬棵當地的原生樹木。 原文引自:http://www.suprememastertv.com/nwn/Avatar-Eco-Warrior.html 參考資料:
In Los Angeles, California, USA, Canadian director James Cameron of “Avatar,” the Oscar-winning film with an environmental message, recently announced the launch of the Avatar Home Tree Initiative, which seeks in 2010 to plant a million native trees in countries around the world.
Joining him in support were cast members of “Avatar” including Michelle Rodriguez, Giovanni Ribisi, and Joel Moore, as well as other eco-advocate celebrities such as 4-time US National Basketball Association champion John Salley and international communication coach Richard Greene.
Many of these renowned personalities also gave inspirational speeches to the 6,000 Los Angeles area students who attended an “Avatar”-inspired Eco Warrior Training program to learn about ways that everyone can help save the planet.
James Cameron – Director of Oscar-winning film Avatar (M): I think the important thing about “Avatar” is it takes place on another planet, and it’s a fantasy, but we’re doing that to our planet right now, for real.
VOICE: Referring to the highly popular movie’s depiction of a beautiful forest and its indigenous residents all threatened by deforestation, the celebrities emphasized that a plant-based diet is important in stopping Earth’s own similar environmental crisis.
蜜雪兒‧羅莉葛茲(阿凡達片中的女演員): 他們砍倒這些樹來蓄牧牛,這就是雨林中大部分問題的原因。
Michelle Rodriquez– Actress in Oscar-winning film Avatar (F): They cut down these trees now to provide space for cows. This is why the grand majority of the issue in the rainforests is occurring.
VOICE: The attending youths, who were served eco-friendly organic vegetarian lunches, were further encouraged by vegan basketball star John Salley toward awareness of the benefits of a plant-based diet.
John Salley – 4-time US National Basketball Association champion, Vegan (M): Do you know what happened today? Because you ate that meal? Check out what happens every year: 56 billion land animals, not including fish, are killed, for 3.7 billion people, so we can have leather sneakers, leather in your car, eat bad food, have animal protein that doesn’t digest in your system, causes diabetes. But today, you saved an animal’s life.
Richard Greene – international communication coach (M): Alright! Woo!
John Salley – 4-time US National Basketball Association champion, Vegan (M): If it’s off a tree, out of the ground, you should eat it. If it has a heartbeat, or had a heartbeat or mother, I think you should let it go to its mama. About two years ago, I decided not to eat anything from an animal. No, milk, no cheese, no eggs. And I lost 40 pounds. I decided, from that point on, I was going to do everything possible, to make sure my avatar looked as beautiful as the Creator wanted it to look. Think about this: this is the only body you have. The most important thing you do, is nourish your organs and nourish your body.
旁白:參與這次活動的還有好萊塢影星黛瑞‧漢娜(Daryl Hannah)、洛杉磯市長安東尼奧‧維雅萊構沙(Antonio Villaraigosa),他們都敦促大家關心環境和動物。
VOICE: Also attending the event were Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, both urging concern for the environment and our co-inhabitants.
黛瑞‧漢娜 (好萊塢女星,純素者):我要鼓勵你們全部,盡你全力支持所有人與所有的生命,不論是何種生命形式,發言、挺身支持他們,盡你們的全力給予他們所需的支持。
Daryl Hannah – Hollywood actress, Splash, Vegan (F): I would encourage all of you to do every thing you can to support all the people, and all the creatures, and all the life forms of all kinds to give them your voice, lay your body on the line and do whatever it takes to give them the support that they need.
安東尼奧‧維雅萊構沙 (洛杉磯市長): 我們對社會、環境都有責任,認知到保護環境與人類福祉的關聯,尊重所有物種,包括所有動物。
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles, California, USA (M): We all have a responsibility to our community, to our environment, to the connection between protecting the environment,and human welfare, and respect for all species, including all of our animals.